Smells in Basement Prior to Renovation

basement remodeling

Follow Your Nose Before Starting Your Renovation The inspection of your basement prior to your renovation should also include checking for any strong smells. Musty smells and mold spores usually are present in the depths of any basement, especially found in older homes that are more than five years old. As homes settle over time, …

Basement Inspection Before Basement Renovation

basement inspection

If Your Basement is Currently in the “Raw” State If you are facing the daunting task of trying to work out & plan a basement renovation, but your basement is in a “raw” state, then you definitely have your work cut out for you and you need to kick the whole process off with a …

Tips for Waterproofing Your Basement


What You Have To Do for Basement Waterproofing: The first thing that you should do, prior to the contractor arriving, is to inspect the area around the bottom of your house outside. If you notice that all of the dirt and soil around the base of your house slops inward, TOWARDS your home, instead of …

Construction Experts in Toronto

If you work in construction and you manage several building projects, it would be a good idea to hire construction experts in Toronto because they have the necessary expertise to help you succeed in this field. If you’re interested in going green during construction projects, the construction experts can offer strategies on how you can …

How To Choose Basement Renovation Contractor

basement renovation contractor

When you’re renovating a basement, you may not be able to complete the entire project by yourself. In these situations, you will want to work with a basement renovation contractor that has at least ten years of experience and whose workers are licensed. Don’t go with the first company that suits your taste but instead, …